We all know 2017 has been a jackpot for hackers, and one of the many ways they can infiltrate is by exploiting weak passwords. While some passwords are undeniably weak:…
We all know 2017 has been a jackpot for hackers, and one of the many ways they can infiltrate is by exploiting weak passwords. While some passwords are undeniably weak:…
“A US intelligence assessment of security threats faced by the country highlights cyber attacks from foreign governments and criminals.” Read more: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-31654050 In recent weeks and months, not only has…
Back in March 2014, Matt Cutts, Google’s head of Webspam, said he wanted SSL to be a ranking factor. And Google is now factoring in SSL in SEO rankings. However,…
The White House’s legendary Secret Service security detail has been making headlines lately; unfortunately, not in a favorable light. I’m sure they do far more and far better than we…
The White House today reported a limited breach of their unclassified network, tracing the origin to Russia with heavy suspicion of the Russian government’s involvement. Apparently the attack did not infiltrate…
Malware (Virus) is a very broad term, and there are many different ways that malware can be injected into a website. One common way that malware is inserted is by…
Code Injections (such as SQL Injections and command injections) are attacks that inject code into a server or database to unexpectedly execute commands or to insert malware. The most common…
Brute-Force attacks (also called an Exhaustive Key Search) are used with the intention of gaining access to the server or website by guessing the login authentication. Hackers who use this…
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks stress the server in several ways, with the intention of slowing it down or crashing the server itself. Hackers who use DDoS attacks are…
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an ever-increasing aspect of the web industry, and for good reason. Search engines have become an important part of our lives. We search for information,…