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The White House today reported a limited breach of their unclassified network, tracing the origin to Russia with heavy suspicion of the Russian government’s involvement. Apparently the attack did not infiltrate the government’s classified networks and is under control. Remember: terrorism and warfare are no longer fought solely in the physical, but also in digital or cyber realms. And the resulting blow is often more damaging than a physical attack. With all the prepper chatter about terrorist threat awareness and survival readiness, let’s not forget to secure our own digital businesses and e-commerce storefronts.

This is another wake-up call to bloggers, web developers, and small business owners to take web security very seriously. Do you have a WordPress security plan in place for your website? What about a rapid-deployment restoration plan with active full-site backups? If not, we highly recommend you put one of our plans in place. Peace of mind for pennies a day.

And if you don’t think you are a target, think again. Yes, you’ve heard of Bank of America, Target, even Apple and Google targeted and hacked, but hackers are not limiting their attacks on the Fortune 500. Every site — especially smaller sites — are increasingly targets of Brute-Force attacks or Code-Injection and Malware infections in an attempt to leverage your site and bandwidth for nefarious activity. Why? Most smaller sites and small to mid-size companies have no or low security in place.


Don’t allow yourself to be victimized. Cyber-warfare, or cyber-terrorism, is nothing new, but definitely on the increase and no longer as cloaked as in years past. Make sure you are not a sitting duck for a cyber-sniper. Compare our plans and, at a minimum, sign-up for our Basic Security Plan (pennies a day) to gain advanced security, a locked-down site, 24/7 iKnight™ defenders and a rock-solid restoration plan should disaster strike.

If you’d like to talk to one of our Elite Security Team specialists, contact us today. We’ll help you figure out which plan best suites your needs.

Shielding Attacks. Thwarting Intruders. Saving Your Site!

Jeff Tobler

Author Jeff Tobler

Jeff Tobler is co-founder of, as well as founder and creative director of "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteous" Mat 6:33

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